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Joe Linton

Joe Linton is an editor at Streetsblog Los Angeles

2023 Was the Year of Metro Freeway Widening

Metro quietly finished work on two 5 Freeway widening mega-projects, and started work on widening the 57/60, 91, and 605 - while continuing work on numerous widenings under construction - plus planning future mega-widenings

December 27, 2023

Metro Touts Full Year of Transit Ridership Growth

Metro ridership numbers grew steadily throughout 2023, and appear very likely return to more than a million weekday daily riders by early 2024

December 21, 2023

L.A. Times Excellent Deep Dive on Dooring

The Times speaks to drivers, a majority of Times readers, while also affirming the lives of cyclists. The article concisely explains terms - dooring, sharrows, protected bike lanes - that are common for cyclists, but little understood by the broader general public.

December 21, 2023

Eyes on the Street: Boyle Heights Myers/Mission Roundabout Completed, Short Bike Paths Open

Connected to the Sixth Street Viaduct, Boyle Heights' Myers/Mission Roundabout project includes two short bikeway segments now open on Myers Street and Mission Road

December 19, 2023