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Metro Responds to Missing Downtown Connector Bikeways: Agency Followed Undefined Plans, Prioritized Getting Drivers to Freeway

Metro didn't follow its own designs or city-approved CEQA-approved street standards - instead implementing not clearly defined changes that added car capacity - and omitted bike and walk facilities

No City for Old Men: L.A. Police Commission finds lung-collapsing blow to chest of unarmed Black 60-year-old “in policy”

Although Officer Brian Kolke failed to voluntarily report the use of force and prolonged Earl Roots' agony for several hours, he only received a comment card on his personnel file

Metro’s Orwellian Take: Adding Miles of New Lanes to the 710 Freeway Is Not Expanding the Freeway

Metro claims "no [710 Freeway] expansion whatsoever" - and - at the same time Metro says they won't rule out demolishing homes

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Streetsblog Mourns the Passing of Donald Shoup

Rest in peace, Professor Shoup. Your memory will always be a blessing and your legacy will live for generations

Friday News Bits: Measure HLA, Metro Grants, and CicLAvia

Next week Measure HLA implementation documents face a city council committee meeting - plus new Metro MAT bike/walk grant cycle announced, and a new April CicLAvia map

In LA, it’s one crisis after another — and she can’t catch a break.

From the pandemic to the housing crisis to the wildfires, Wendy Lopez is among those caught in a cycle making it impossible to recover

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