Joe Linton
Joe Linton is an editor at Streetsblog Los Angeles
This Week In Livable Streets
CicLAvia returns to the Heart of L.A., L.A. City bus shelter STAP, Metro C Line, and more
October 10, 2023
How to Support the Ambitious ‘Marina Central Park’ Freeway Removal Study
Marina Central Park would remove the three-mile-long, six-plus lane Marina Freeway (SR-90) and replace it with new housing, parks, bus rapid transit, and bikeways
October 6, 2023
Caltrans Announces $300 Million “Super 605” Freeway Enhancement Project
The Super 605 project does not appear to expand or widen the freeway itself, but focuses on maintaining/rehabilitating the existing roadway.
October 4, 2023
Celebrate Los Angeles Walks Turning Twenty-Five! [Postponed]
Celebrate at Los Angeles Walks Sidewalk Soirée next week. Also the organization is hiring a new Executive Director - apply today.
October 3, 2023