Metro Ridership Keeps Growing, with a Million Daily Riders in October
Metro ridership has grown steadily for the past two years, with October, a second straight month of million-plus daily boardings, setting a pandemic-era record
Metro Committee Approves Revoking $435K Culver City Grant due to Bike Lane Removal
Culver City recently removed protected bike lanes funded by a Metro Active Transportation grant, now Metro wants its money back
Touring the Puente Hills Landfill Slated to Become the Future “Griffith Park of the San Gabriel Valley”
Puente Hills Landfill Park is expected to open in 2027, with 140 acres of trails and stunning vistas all the way to the ocean
This Week In Livable Streets
Metro board committees, Glendale speed cameras, Metro 14 Freeway expansion, Foothill Boulevard, the Great L.A. Walk, and more