Construction has not quite wrapped up, but eastbound and westbound parking-protected bike lanes are now open along Hollywood Boulevard. These are the initial part of several interconnected complete streets upgrades for one of L.A. city's most iconic and most transit-rich corridors.
The bike lane striping is in, though city crews are still adding finishing touches: green striping in conflict zones, repainting some parts of existing crosswalks, etc.
The bike lanes are a bit longer than what the city Transportation Department (LADOT) had announced for the first phase. The project limits announced had been 1.9 miles from Gower Street to Lyman Place; the east end was extended past Lyman to the six-points intersection (Virgil Avenue/Hillhurst Avenue/Sunset Boulevard/Sunset Drive), so there are now 2.1 miles of new bike lanes.
Below are photos of Hollywood Boulevard taken yesterday afternoon.

The project, already very much in use, is also already being criticized by commenters at Nextdoor and other social media. Readers who appreciate the safety upgrades might want to counter those comments by offering gratitude to project proponents at LADOT, the city Bureau of Street Services (StreetsLA), and L.A. City Councilmembers Hugo Soto-Martinez and Nithya Raman.