North Hollywood CicLAvia CicLAmini – Open Thread
Thousands of Angelenos crowded North Hollywood streets and businesses. Participants explored on skates, wheelchairs, feet, and bikes.
Eyes on the Street: Metro Installed New Bollard Protection on First Street Bike Lane
A couple of blocks of new plastic bollards might not look like much, but it just might mean that Metro and LADOT are planning to make good on missing bike/walk connections to Metro's new subway stations
Will the Metro Board Please Pull the Plug on the Wasteful MicroTransit Pilot?
Recent Metro documents try to put a positive spin on the $43 million Metro Micro pilot, but even the agency's own hagiography highlights flaws too numerous to ignore
LAPD Officer Punched 60-year-old Black Man in Chest, Collapsing His Lung, during December Arrest
In an apparent effort to downgrade the incident to a non-categorical use of force, Chief Moore told the Police Commission that Earl Roots' hospitalization was "due to a complaint of having asthma," not the punch that collapsed Roots' lung.
Pasadena Cuts Ribbon Celebrating New Union Street Protected Bikeway
Pasadena's Union Street Cycle Track is a protected bikeway along the south side of Union Street, extending 1.5 miles from Hill Avenue to Arroyo Parkway - connecting to City Hall, the Metro A Line, and many other Old Pasadena destinations.
Metro Increasing Service on Subway B and D Lines this Weekend
Great news! Metro is improving B and D line heavy rail subway frequency this weekend, ending more than three years of pandemic-era cuts. Metro light rail (A, C, E and K lines) frequency improvements are scheduled for this December.
SGV Hikes and Bikes: Ghost Town Ride in City of Industry
Industry’s side streets are pretty dead on weekends, making for miles and miles of relaxed cycling.
Eyes on the Street: Recently Widened Soto Street Bridge over Valley Blvd
The newly widened Soto Bridge is disappointing from a walking, transit and bicycling perspective - and the city plans more widening on Soto just north of the bridge project
California Sustainable Affordable Housing Grants Awarded to Five Local Projects
Five southern California AHSC grants - four L.A. City and one L.A. County - will bring more than 500 transit-oriented affordable housing units, plus bus, bike, and walk improvements
Culver City Plans Protected Bikeway on Overland Avenue
Culver City's proposed ~2.5 mile Overland bike facility is mostly new protected bike lanes (about a mile and a half), plus about a half-mile of new unprotected bike lanes at the north end, and a short stretch of bike route at the south end.