Over the past month, the city of L.A. Bureau of Engineering has been making plenty of visible progress on the new Sixth Street Viaduct. After recent concrete pours, the city has begun removing the 'falsework' (temporary wooden frames) to reveal the monumental concrete arches, which actually appear relatively thin and light. The $588 million 3,500-foot-long bridge is expected to open in summer of 2022.

Most of the arches on the eastern (Boyle Heights) end of the bridge appear more-or-less complete.

Arches on the western (downtown L.A.) end of the bridge are still in progress.

Below are a few of photos showing progress over time. First is the view on Clarence Street looking south.

Below is the view northward on Anderson Street.

Bridge aficionados may want to check out Streetsblog L.A.'s various posts about the new viaduct.