- Awesome Vid! Consider Supporting Pacoima Beautiful's People St Plaza Improvements (Kickstarter)
- Downtown L.A. Spring Street Parklet Re-Opens Repaired and Improved (DTLA Rising, LADOT Youtube)
- Cars Hitting North Figueroa's Pedestrians and Cyclists, Hey Cm Cedillo! (Flying Pigeon)
- Metro Could Extend Subway Service To Arts District (LAT)
- WeHo Sherrifs OK With Jaywalking (Curbed)
- Boyle Heights Soto Station TOD "Cielito Lindo" Designs (Urbanize L.A.)
- Glendale Extending Its L.A. River Linear Park (KCET)
- Ara Najarian Running To Replace Termed Out Supervisor Mike Antonovich (LAT)
- Flying Pigeon Finds El Sereno's Huntington Drive Is A Seriously Obese Street
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