After months of Dennis Zine free reporting on Streetsblog, the Valley Councilman and Candidate for Comptroller is suddenly a hot topic. Yesterday, we quoted Zine urging 4th of July revelers to use the Orange Line while lightly mocking those who drove to his fireworks spectacular. Today, the former police officer captured a larger spotlight, for helping to detain a recklessly driving Justin Bieber on the 101. The Daily News reports:
"A traffic stop was made on the lead vehicle, and the driver was identified as 18-year-old Justin Bieber," the CHP reported. "The second vehicle fled the area and (a) follow-up investigation is underway to determine the identity of the driver as well as the charges to be filed."
Bieber was issued a speeding ticket, and was released pending further investigation, the CHP reported.
According to, Los Angeles City Councilman Dennis Zine "was on the 101 Freeway when he saw Justin in his chrome Fisker (sports car) roaring down the freeway at speeds that Zine says exceeded 100 mph."
Zine called 911 to report what he saw,
As a footnote, I wonder how fast Bieber would have had to be driving to have been detained for more than a couple of minutes. Being hounded by the paparazzi is rough, but it's no excuse to endanger everyone around you.