- High Speed Rail Faces Big Vote in the Senate This Week (LAT)
- Update on 405-Sepulveda Pass Transit Options (The Source)
- Alarcon Finds $500,000 for Local Sidewalk Repair (Daily News)
- Street Art Makes Downtown Sidewalks a Little More Attractive (LAT)
- Santa Monica Hires Alta Planning and Design to Improve Sidewalks Near Expo/Beach (Mirror)
- Chance for Fast Lane Sticker Jolts Volt Sales in CA (Auto News)
- Daily News Heralds Brown Decision to Drop Legal Speed-Up for HSR
- Biking on the River Path to Long Beach (KCET)
- Ben and Jerry's, Union Station, Hooray! (Brigham Yen)
- Rio Opens First BRT (City Fix)
- "Beverly Hills may have found allies in Little Tokyo and downtown’s Financial District in the fight against the Metropolitan Transportation Authority’s abuse of community interests." (Courier)
More headlines at Streetsblog Capitol Hill