Thursday Round-Up: L.A. Speed Camera Pilot, Metro Sepulveda Rail, and Crash Not Accident
More reasons to ridicule proposed Metro Sepulveda monorail. L.A. will officially use "crash" or "collision" instead of "accident." And L.A. starts laying the groundwork for a speed camera pilot.
Where L.A. City Is Quietly Removing Bike Lanes and Adding On-Street Car Parking
Six streets where LADOT added motorist parking at the expense of bicyclist safety. And the city wonders why traffic deaths keep increasing?
Eyes on the Street: New Bus Lanes on Sepulveda and Ventura Boulevards
6.5 miles of new bus lane on Sepulveda and Ventura Boulevard - the first bus-only lanes in the San Fernando Valley. More bus lanes and lane enforcement on the way
Too Many Disappointments in L.A. City Bikeway Mileage During Fiscal Year 2022-23
Too much of the city's FY23 bikeway work had big issues: truncated mileage, downgraded facilities, long delayed timelines, false claims, etc.
Metro Responds to Missing Downtown Connector Bikeways: Agency Followed Undefined Plans, Prioritized Getting Drivers to Freeway
Metro didn't follow its own designs or city-approved CEQA-approved street standards - instead implementing not clearly defined changes that added car capacity - and omitted bike and walk facilities
Guest Opinion: Ten Years In, CA Active Transportation Program Lays Bare a Tale of Two Agencies
L.A. County needs to embrace physically-protected bikeways, robust traffic calming around schools, and similarly transformative, safety-focused projects
Eyes on the Street: Metro Installed New Bollard Protection on First Street Bike Lane
A couple of blocks of new plastic bollards might not look like much, but it just might mean that Metro and LADOT are planning to make good on missing bike/walk connections to Metro's new subway stations
Mayor Bass Picks Laura Rubio-Cornejo for Transportation Department General Manager
Rubio-Cornejo currently heads Pasadena's Transportation Department, and led Metro Countywide Planning prior to that.
It’s 2023 and L.A. City Is Still Widening Lots of Roads
L.A. City street widening is expensive, and adversely impacts safety, health, climate, air, water, noise, housing, historic preservation, and more.
Eyes on the Street: New La Brea Bus Lanes are Open
The initially announced ~5.9 miles of bus lane were whittled down to just ~2.5 miles installed in the current project. City Councilmember Heather Hutt continues to block implementation below Olympic Boulevard.