There's a lot going on right now - with the L.A. City Council imploding and Metro opening a new rail line - but there was also a tremendously popular open streets event last weekend. CicLAvia returned to the Heart of L.A., with a modified route that included the newly opened 6th Street Viaduct for the first time. The Fourth Street Bridge has long been one of the hang-out spots on the route; this time it was replaced by Sixth Street, which meant even more spectacular views of downtown and its surroundings.
As always, the central L.A. route was very well-attended. Tens of thousands of Angelenos took to their feet, bikes, skates, scooters and skateboards - and smiled their way through the car-free streets from Boyle Heights to Chinatown to Echo Park.
Readers - how was your experience at last Sunday's Heart of L.A. CicLAvia?
Metro plans to add more general purpose lanes as part of its 14 Freeway expansion project through Santa Clarita - a part of L.A. County that is reeling from triple digit heat
Scorching climate-catastrophe-driven heat continues, plus broken sidewalks, 710 Freeway homes, 14 Freeway expansion, carnage, a Santa Monica woonerf, and more
CicLAvia in Lincoln Heights, Burbank council candidates forum, Glendale greenway, Metrolink, Highway 14 expansion, Noche de las Luminarias, Metro Youth Council, and more
Metro/Caltrans highway expansion will encourage more vehicle trips, exposing already disadvantaged, environmental justice communities to even more pollution, with lifelong health impacts