- Nearly 1 in 4 Test Positive As L.A. COVID Surge Continues (NBC4)...Triage Officers Ration L.A. Hospital Care (LAT)
- Metro Experiencing Staffing Shortages, Canceled Bus Trips Due To COVID (The Source)
- Metro Making Plans To Vaccinate Essential Staff (The Source)
- Downtown Developer To Pay $1.2M In Corruption Case (LAT, Daily News)
- Former City Councilmember Tom LaBonge Passes Away (LAT, LAist, ABC7, Daily News, Beverly Press)
- Police Seek Help To Catch South L.A. Hit-and-Run Driver (CBS)
- L.A. Brags About Modest Bike Lane Mileage (Biking in L.A.)
- Supportive Housing Project Opens In South L.A. (Urbanize)
- 6-Story Mixed-Use Planned Near Van Nuys/Victory (Urbanize)
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