- Protestors Demand Justice For Dijon Kizzee Killed By Sheriff Deputies (L.A. Taco)...New Video Shows Kizzee Shot In the Back As He Fled (@AttorneyCrump Twitter)
- New Report On Sheriff Department's Secret Violent Gangs (Witness L.A.)
- Prosecutors Dismissing Cases Against Police In Gang Falsification Scandal (LAT)
- L.A. City Approves $58M Bonds For Affordable Housing Projects (Urbanize)
- L.A. City Plans Furloughs (Daily News, Deadline, LAT)
- 6th Street Bridge Now Expected Complete in 2022 (Urbanize)
- Metro Needs To Better Serve People With Disabilities (WeHoVille)
- LAT Introduces the Winner Of L.A.'s New Streetlight Competition
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