Following last night's CD 11 Livable Streets Candidate forum, I sat down with each of the four candidates for a brief chat about the forum, the state of the campaign, and what they thought of the debate.
First was Fred Sutton, a political neophyte who took part in his first political forum ever last night. While Sutton wasn't the most polished presenter, he did pepper his presentation and interview with some specifics, including a shout out to the Bundy Triangle Pocket Park project which is a favorite of L.A. Streetsblog Board Member Joel Epstein.
Also, Sutton gave perhaps the most creative answer to our "magic wand" question, where we ask interviewees what one thing they could change if they could change anything about transportation in Los Angeles.
The rest of the interviews from last night are coming. Stay tuned. In the meantime, you can follow Sutton on Twitter or Facebook.