- Some Endangered CRA Projects Get Some Cash (Biz Journal via Curbed)
- Metro Wraps Current Round of Big Dig Hearings (The Source)
- More Uphill Bike Lanes. New Paint on Summerland in San Pedro (BIKAS)
- Crenshaw/LAX Line Promises Good Local Jobs (Daily Breeze)
- Metro Interactive Chats Are Back. Talk Rampture with Zev on 6/15 (The Source)
- Speaking of Zev, He Wants You to Go to the River Ride this Weekend (Zev Web)
- City Bans Tents at City Parks Before Re-Opening City Hall Lawn (LAT)
- Remember, "Stay as Long as You Need To?" (Fire Dog Lake)
- Tru Story: Stricter Prosecution of Scofflaw Drivers, and the Bike Votes It Would Reap, Could Have Saved Trutanich (LAT)
- GOOD Cities: Can Ditching Your Car Make You Feel More Free?
- Ray Bradbury Had Monorail Vision for L.A. (Curbed)
More headlines at Streetsblog Capitol Hill