Next week, Los Angeles Streetsblog will launch our official Tumblr. We'll have a lot more on the Tumblr launch when it's ready for prime time, but for now you can check out construction status at http://lastreetsblog.tumblr.com/. There's some test material up now, but the actual site will be different by the time we're completely ready to go.
To help us launch this new media tool, we need your help. Do you have a great picture from Bike to School Day? Are you going to Critical Mass tomorrow? Did you go to the Mayor's Ride in Pasadena? If so, we're looking for your pictures for a photo contest. Next week and the week after, we're going to feature your photographs part of a photo contest to launch the Tumblr. Tumblr users will be able to vote for their favorite pictures until we have a winner. How long the contest goes depends on the number of entries. The winning photographer will receive a Streetsblog t-shirt and tote bag, a Streetfilms DVD and we will make a $50 donation to the non-profit of your choice.
Of course, May is "Bike Month" so we're sure that there will be lots of great pictures of people cycling. But, there's no rule that the pictures have to be bike related. Did you take a ride on Expo? Hang out at the Sunset Triangle Plaza?
So send us your pictures from Bike Month! There are plenty of ways you can submit your pictures:
1) Link to a picture in the comments section of this post
2) Send a picture to damien@streetsblog.org. Eventually the tumblr will have its own address. We're not there yet.
3) Tag a picture on Twitter with #lasb
4) Post a picture to our Facebook page at http://facebook.com/lastreetsblog
Picture submission closes next Wednesday, May 30th, at 9:00 A.M.