- City Approves $7.2 Billion Budget (LAT, Daily News, KPCC, City News Service)
- Why Was "Sportsageddon" a Non-Story? Big Jump in Metro Ridership (Daily News)
- UCLA Study: Bicycling Bad for Men's Reproductive Health (CBS 2)
- How Does Express Park Work? (Curbed, LAT, Blog Downtown)
- On to the Senate! Assembly Passes Bill That Would Allow Measure R+ (The Source)
- Car Wash Owners File Class Action Lawsuit for Rights (LAT)
- For More, Read Sahra's Story from February on Two Washes with Unionized Employees (LASB)
- Zev: Last Week's Hearing a "Good Start" to End Subway Hysteria (ZevWeb)
- BHUSD Happy with the Hearing Too (Patch)
- A Look at the 3 Alternatives Offered by Beverly Hills (Patch)
- GOOD Goes Riding with the Rydazz (Story, Pics)
- CAHSRA Policy to Purge E-Mails Draws Critics’ Ire (Bay Citizen)
- Thoughts on Cycling from City Council Candidate Josh Post (Biking In L.A.)
- Candidate Kevin James Against Parking Fine Increase/Better Enforcement (City Watch)
More headlines at Streetsblog Capitol Hill