(I was on the road yesterday and missed the big announcement of L.A.'s first buffered bike lane coming this December. Streetsblog contributor Brigham Yen caught the news first and announced it on his personal blog at BrighamYen.com - DN)
Valerie Watson, the At-Large Director of DLANC (Downtown LA Neighborhood Council), who has been heavily involved with making the Historic Core in Downtown LA a much more pedestrian and bike friendly community, sends me this rendering (and more info) of a fully separated bike lane down Spring St that will also be painted green (like those coveted ones in bike-friendly Portland or New York).
With a ground breaking coming as soon as December (as in this year 2011!), the 1.5 mile bike lane will stretch from Cesar Chavez to 9th Street and be 6 feet wide with green paint to mark very clearly for motorists to see, and there will also be a 4-foot stripe buffer zone between the bike lane and car lane for further cyclist protection. Full time loading and parking will be available on the west side of the street next to the bike lane (as you can see in the rendering).
Here are some benefits of having the bike lane down Spring St:
- Better access to businesses along Spring St by patrons walking, biking, using transit, and driving
- Full time parking and loading will be added on west side of Spring St
- Increased crossing safety for pedestrians
The design of this project can still be tweaked and refined by the community’s input and feedback is encouraged.
And even more good news.
After further studies, a second phase with another bike lane on Main St (parallel to Spring St) may be implemented from Cesar Chavez to Venice Blvd.
For more information you can contact:
Paul Habib, Planning Deputy
Councilman Jose Huizar, CD14
213-473-7014 | Paul.Habib@lacity.org
Marie Rumsey, Senior Deputy
Councilwoman Jan Perry, CD9
213-473-7009 | Marie.Rumsey@lacity.org