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- Bev. Hills Council Hires Second Consultant Team to "Review" Subway DEIS (Patch)
- Poll: Californians Ready to Kill High-Speed Rail (Sac Bee via Sblog Cap Hill)
- Final EIR for Crenshaw Station DOES Include Station in Westchester (Argo)
- Deadly Bike Crashes Rock the SGV Bike Community (Whittier Daily News, Pasadena Star-News)
- Occupy L.A. Takes to the Streets, City Hall Lawn (LAT)
- Why Do People Treat Their Cars Better Than Theirselves? (Streetsblog Cap. Hill)
- Does It Matter to Cyclists When Other Cyclists Are Gunned Down? (Biking In L.A.)
- Gov. Signs Bills on Male Circumcision, Synthetic Pot...SB 910 Still Sits (LAT)
- New Jersey Strikes Deal With Feds Over ARC Repayment (WSJ)
- Sadik-Khan Explains Her Safety-First Approach to Boston Globe
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