The California Bike Summit brings together professional and volunteer bike advocates, club leaders, ride organizers and key allies to set the statewide bicycling agenda for 2012 and beyond. We will also strengthen our capacity as advocates for bicycling by sharing best practices, successes, failures and lessons learned. And, with fun bike rides and energizing parties and plenty of structured networking, we’ll get to connect with the largest contingent of bicycle advocates in the country!
Download a flyer to promote the summit.
Saturday, Nov. 5
11 AM – 3 PM Bicycle tours of Los Angeles
3 PM Registration opens
3:30PM Opening session
6-8 PM Dinner on your own
8-11 PM Reception & Party in a luxury loft we reserved in downtown L.A.
Sunday, Nov. 6
9 AM – 6 PM Our Strategy for Transforming the Golden State What do we need to do to get a million more people on bicycles in California? This full day is dedicated to appreciating our potential and choosing the best strategy to increase bicycling.
Monday, Nov. 7
8 AM – 5 PM Advocacy Best Practices This will be the day for sharing and learning skills necessary for implementing the goals established the previous day.
Saturday and Sunday events will be held at the Kyoto Grand Hotel in Los Angeles, a short walk from Union Station in downtown Los Angeles.
Monday’s events will be held at the California Endowment for Health’s conference facilities, also adjacent to Union Station.
Click here for a list of nearby hotels and contact information for homestays.
Advance: $85 (through 10/5) Full: $110 (after 10/5)
Registration fee covers materials, breakfast and lunch on Sunday November 6, breakfast on Nov. 7, and refreshments (Monday lunch, dinners, lodging and travel are not included).
- Keynote address
- State of the movement in California
- Regional meetings
- Opening address: Why is bicycling important to California?
- Discussion of CBC’s current priorities1. creating a progressive new bikeway design manual for California2. getting bicycle safety education in all California schools3. promoting bicycling as economic development/eco-tourism
- Presentation from our allies on the California agenda (below are invited)• TransForm• CA Safe Routes Network• ClimatePlan• California Walks• Rails to Trails Conservancy• Local Government Commission
- Presentation on CBC’s services to local advocates• support in Sacramento• advocacy training• fiscal sponsorship
- Presentation on diversifying and broadening the movement
- Discussions and decisions on possible goals for the CBC in 2012 and beyond!
- Opening address: Why is California important to bicycling?
- More than a dozen workshops on best practices• membership development• fundraising• Retailers and advocacy• Bicycle Tourism• Using the latest mapping technology for advocacy• Bicycle-Friendly Business Districts• What makes a good complete streets policy?• Influencing the Regional Transportation Plans and Sustainable Communities Strategies in the era of AB 32 and SB 375• Internet advocacy• Board of Directors best practices• Bike-sharing in California• Using the media• Creating the best newsletter
- Presentation on the CBC’s adaptation of the Alliance for Biking & Walking’s Winning Campaigns training
- More regional meetings
- Strategy and agreement on models of collaboration between the CBC and local advocacy organizations and clubs