Featured Story: For months Carter has been highlighting Streetsblog stories at The Source, and now I get to return the favor. Yesterday he featured a map put together by LACityNerd showing that seven full sized American cities can fit inside Los Angeles. The seven cities? St. Louis, Milwaukee, Cleveland, Minneapolis, San Francisco, Boston and Pittsburgh.
- Candidate Beutners a Bike Commuter, But No Love for CicLAvia? (City Watch)
- Community Activist: NBC Universal Should Look at Reducing Cars, Not Speeding Up Traffic (Patch)
- Main Street Bike Lanes/Road Diet on Venice NC Agenda in September (LADOT Bike Blog)
- Sheriff's Make Arrest in Friday's Red Line Stabbing (The Source, LAT)
- See the Most Ridiculous Parking Restrictions Sign Ever (Curbed)
- Weird Laws. City Can Harass Music Festival But Not Scofflaw Drivers (LAT)
- Here's the Second Article on Park(ing) Day (LAist)
- It's a Big Blue Schedule Change on Sunday (SM Dispatch)
- Coverage of Our Coverage of Long Beach (World on Bike, LB Post)
- Gas Prices Slip Again (Daily News)
- Obama and Family Take a Bike Ride on Martha’s Vineyard (Transpo Nation)
More headlines at Streetsblog Capitol Hill