(The following is a press advisory from the Gold Line Foothill Construction Authority. We usually don't reprint press releases, or even talk about this rail extension out to the SGV, but I wanted to pass on the news that construction work on the Foothill Extension is well underway. And, I wanted to see what you thought of the bridge design. - DN)
After nearly a year of design work, permit approvals and hiring of subcontractors, crews will start work on the I-210 Gold Line Bridge next week. The 584-linear foot bridge crosses over the eastbound lanes of the I-210 Freeway between Baldwin and Santa Anita Avenues, and will facilitate connection between the existing Sierra Madre Villa Station in East Pasadena and the future Arcadia Station. It is the first component of the Metro Gold Line Foothill Extension light rail project from Pasadena to Azusa to move from design to construction.
Over the next few months, crews will clear the center and southern freeway medians, build a 500 foot long temporary retaining wall, and then start work on the massive foundations for the bridge structure. Intermittent late-night closures of the Eastbound I-210 Freeway will be necessary during the year-long bridge construction. The Metro Gold Line Foothill Extension Construction Authority will issue regular construction notices to update the community on bridge construction activities and schedules.
Community members can sign up to receive construction alerts via email or text message on the Authority’s website at www.foothillextension.org. Information is also available over the phone on the 24-hour project information hotline - (855) 446-1160.
The I-210 Bridge is scheduled to be completed in July 2012, in time for the alignment contractor to start installing the track, utilities, systems and more.