I got a notice in my inbox that the popular Internet Radio show Bike Talk will spend an episode discussing all things "Critical Mass" in Los Angeles. To say that it's been an interesting year for Critical Mass is an understatement. To make things even more interesting, last month's ride had some cyclists take the lead in acquiescing to the LAPD's demand for a route before they would cork intersections. The ride went smoothly. The intersections were corked.
Meanwhile, a group of seasoned Ridazz led an alternate ride with about sixty riders taking a trip back to LACM's roots. For more on Streetsblog's coverage of Critical Mass, click here.
As for the show this weekend, it will run this Saturday from 10:00 A.M. until noon at http://killradio.org. The show will also be archived at http://kpfk.org. You can join the conversation by calling 213.252.0998 or you can post questions or comments to be read on the air at the Midnight Ridazz Forum.
Incidentally, regular listeners and fans of Bike Talk might want to mark their calendar for January 15, 2011 for the show's first fundraiser. Details to come.