May is a crazy month to try and keep track of the calendar because it's Bike Month. This year, Glendale takes the lead for most events, with thirteen different events scheduled. I'm not going to list all of them here, but if you live near Glendale, you can see a full list of events here.
But of course, we have some business to do here.
Monday - The first event of Bike Month in Glendale (or anywhere in L.A. County) is a screening of "We Are Traffic" at 7:00 P.M. in the Glendale Library Auditorium. It's a film about Critical Mass, its impact and how freakin' hard it is to "organize." For more information, visit the Streetsblog Calendar section or the link above.
Tuesday - So if Monday's film gets you all fired up, you don't have to wait until the end of the month to join a mass. San Fernando Valley Critical Mass has been going on for three and a half years and is one of the most mellow rolling parties in the region. For more information, click here. Oh, and the one time I attended this ride, I was there at 7:00 and only a handful of other people were. Don't worry, they'll show up.
Wednesday - We've been pretty hard on the Hollywood and Vine Transit Adjacent Development project, but there are some people that love it. The Urban Land Institute sponsors a "case study" of how it was built. It features a diverse panel of the people that built and designed the project. I wonder if they'll have the people that wrote the publicity for the development and failed to mention the transit station....
Saturday - April doesn't just host Bike to Work Day, but also Train Day. Join the festivities at Union Station, but first get more details here.
Saturday - The Metro Board is hosting a special meeting on the proposed fare increases for July. It promises to be an exciting one! There's not a lot of information out there yet, but I promise to have more later in the week.