Once a year I write a quick post asking you for your commuting or transportation stories from the past week. Basically, I'm looking for you to tell everyone how your commute or routine is changed by the rain. Feel free to leave them in the comments section, or email me if it's more than 200 words and you believe it's worthy of it's own post. I already have a story from a pedestrian in the Downtown that's going up tomorrow.
Personally, since I mostly work from home unless I'm at a meeting, the difference is I was back on my bike to run errands, shooting out between thunderstorms. Usually, I strap the baby onto my chest and we walk to do our errands, but I don't want to expose him to too much bad weather and don't want to get sick myself. In the old days, pre-baby, I just biked through the rain and loved it. Now-a-days, I try to keep dry because if I get a cold, and then he gets a cold, it's a week of misery for his poor mother.