- LAPD Warns Parents "Not to Overestimate Children's Pedestrian Skills" on Back-to-School Day (NBC 4)
- Supes Want "New NFL Stadium" to Have Full Environmental Review (Daily News)
- The Times is Clearly Reading the Bus Bench: What's With the Offensive Billboards?
- It's Sinkhole Season in L.A. (Daily News)
- 24 States Competing for Federal HSR Funds (WSJ)
- Survey: At $5/Gallon, 70% of Americans Would Try to Kick Car Commute Habit (Infrastructurist)
- The New Yorker's Passive Take on Car-Free Times Square: "State-Sponsored Tranquillization"
- SF Streetsblog Talks to the City's Top Cop
- Streetfight: Messengers vs. Bike Thief (Gothamist)
More headlines over at Streetsblog Capitol Hill