Last Friday I received a forwarded email from Dana Gabbard of So.CA.TA. fame from someone looking to move to Los Angeles. This future resident wanted to know what the best neighborhood for transit riders was in L.A. While Gabbard can certainly offer a take on pretty much any community in Los Angeles, we thought it would be better to let residents speak on behalf of their own communities.
So how do you feel about your community? Do you think it's the best one in Los Angeles for living a car-free lifestyle? If so, feel free to submit a short essay to me, via email with your thoughts and we'll publish it here on Streetsblog. As essays come in we'll send them to our future resident and in the end we'll find out who wins when we find out where he moved to.
Tomorrow we'll feature Gabbard's post on his community and later in the week I'll write a post on Fairfax. We look forward to hearing from everyone else out there...