You don't need me to tell you that there is a lot riding on next Tuesday's election. To help anyone who has yet to make a decision on the presidential election, Prop 1A, Measure R, or local planning and transportation measures, I'm including a nearly complete set of links to Streetsblog stories about what's going to be on our ballot this fall. Consider the comments section a place to put links to any other writing you've seen on the election or to let us know how you're going to vote.
Presidential Election
Where They Stand: Obama and McCain on Transportation
Palin Weighs In Against Pollution Fees for Ports of LA and Long Beach
Sarah Palin, Transit Advocate?
From Denver: Dems Discuss Funding Woes; Biden Says "Amtrak"
McCain Impressed by US Trains, So Long as They Don't Stay in US
Obama Calls for Investment in Regional Intercity Rail
Obama: I'll Boost Funds for Bike-Ped Projects If Elected
Measure R
A Look at the BRU's "No on the Six" Ballot Campaign
"Yes on Measure R" Breaks Its Silence
Dana Gabbard: More Reasons to Vote for Measure R
Proposition 1A
Dana Gabbard: Yes on High Speed Rail
Santa Monica's Proposition T
Architect's Op/Ed Against Proposition T
Voter's Guide: Santa Monica's Prop. T
Redondo Beach's Measure DD and Measure EE
Competing Ballot Propositions to Curb Development in Redondo Beach
Beverly Hills Special Ballot Initiative
Voter Guide: Residents Fight Hotel and Condo Development in Beverly Hills
Photo: Kangster/Flickr