LAPD Appears to Have Fired More than a Dozen Shots at Unarmed Man During South L.A. Traffic Stop Friday Night, Killing Him
35-year-old Mario Sanchez had been holding a cellphone. The California DOJ is now investigating.
Jermaine Petit – the Unarmed Disabled Vet Shot by LAPD in Leimert Park in 2022 – Has Died
Petit was suing LAPD over the shooting at the time of his death.
LAPD shoots, strikes unarmed unhoused man as he walks away from them at Chesterfield Square Park
The newly released briefing video depicts Robles as non-compliant and claims officer Magallanes-Gomez shot him for pointing a weapon at officers, but body cam footage shows Magallanes-Gomez continued to fire at - and ultimately hit - Robles after he turned away and tossed the BB gun aside.
Carefully Curated Footage of LAPD Officer Fatally Striking Pedestrian Raises More Questions than It Answers
LAPD's release of incident footage is not the same thing as transparency
No City for Old Men: L.A. Police Commission finds lung-collapsing blow to chest of unarmed Black 60-year-old “in policy”
Although Officer Brian Kolke failed to voluntarily report the use of force and prolonged Earl Roots' agony for several hours, he only received a comment card on his personnel file
LAPD Admits Man Who Slept Thru 3-Hour Bus “Standoff” Was Carrying BB Gun Only after Hero Robot Dog Story Makes Rounds
LAPD lauded its controversial $280,000 robot dog for the role it played in resolving the standoff yesterday, but when questioned for specifics about how the standoff had unfolded, what the robot dog had actually done, and why it had not been deployed for three hours, the department declined to answer
No Cops with Lassos on Trains. Mayor Nixes LAPD Pilot at Metro Board Meeting.
LAPD got approval from the Police Commission to extend their BolaWrap pilot on Metro in August, but hadn't advised Metro of their plans until after the fact.
LAPD Officer Punched 60-year-old Black Man in Chest, Collapsing His Lung, during December Arrest
In an apparent effort to downgrade the incident to a non-categorical use of force, Chief Moore told the Police Commission that Earl Roots' hospitalization was "due to a complaint of having asthma," not the punch that collapsed Roots' lung.
LAPD Traffic Safety PSA Scolds Pedestrian for Getting Hit by Red Light Runner
Sometimes recycling isn't good for the environment.
LAPD Chief’s Report on Sergeant’s Drive-by Shooting of Unarmed Vet Embraces Falsehoods, Glosses over Recklessness
The drive-by was ruled out of policy. But the findings in the case were neither as critical nor as punitive as they could have been.