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No City for Old Men: L.A. Police Commission finds lung-collapsing blow to chest of unarmed Black 60-year-old “in policy”

Although Officer Brian Kolke failed to voluntarily report the use of force and prolonged Earl Roots' agony for several hours, he only received a comment card on his personnel file

December 11, 2023

Metro September 2023 Board Committee Round-Up: C Line, 91 Freeway Widening, and More

Transit ridership and freeway funding are up. $14 million for MicroTransit was postponed. South Bay C Line extension draws both controversy and support. Law enforcement, Taylor Swift, bus lanes, and more!

September 22, 2023

LAPD Officer Punched 60-year-old Black Man in Chest, Collapsing His Lung, during December Arrest

In an apparent effort to downgrade the incident to a non-categorical use of force, Chief Moore told the Police Commission that Earl Roots' hospitalization was "due to a complaint of having asthma," not the punch that collapsed Roots' lung.

September 13, 2023

LAPD Chief’s Report on Sergeant’s Drive-by Shooting of Unarmed Vet Embraces Falsehoods, Glosses over Recklessness

The drive-by was ruled out of policy. But the findings in the case were neither as critical nor as punitive as they could have been.

July 26, 2023