Downtown LA
Heart of L.A. CicLAvia 2023 – Open Thread
The 7.8-mile car-free route opened streets in the L.A. City communities of Boyle Heights, and many parts of Downtown: Chinatown, Little Tokyo, Historic Core, Broadway, and South Park
Metro Responds to Missing Downtown Connector Bikeways: Agency Followed Undefined Plans, Prioritized Getting Drivers to Freeway
Metro didn't follow its own designs or city-approved CEQA-approved street standards - instead implementing not clearly defined changes that added car capacity - and omitted bike and walk facilities
Guest Opinion: Metro Should Treat Walk and Bike Projects with the Respect They Deserve
Prioritizing true first mile/last mile infrastructure isn’t somehow optional; it’s how your customers get to and from the transit stations.
Eyes on the Street: Metro Installed New Bollard Protection on First Street Bike Lane
A couple of blocks of new plastic bollards might not look like much, but it just might mean that Metro and LADOT are planning to make good on missing bike/walk connections to Metro's new subway stations
Eyes on the Construction: Alameda Esplanade Partially Open
This month, Metro anticipates finishing construction on the 500-foot long tree-lined bike/walk facility connecting to the new Little Tokyo subway station
Missing Metro Regional Connector First/Last Mile Facilities Worse Than Reported Earlier
Metro and LADOT quietly omitted and downgraded extensive bike and walk improvements approved and funded for Little Tokyo - in addition to omissions at Grand and Broadway stations
Modest Bike Improvements Along Downtown Connector Stations, Though Mostly Missed Opportunities
Metro and City ignored approved bikeway plans - again. Alameda Esplanade and 5th Street bus queue jumper still on the way.
Metro Opens Downtown Regional Connector Subway
The 1.9-mile $1.8 billion light rail includes three new stations, but its big benefit is tying together several formerly disconnected rail lines. The Metro A Line is now 49.5 miles long, the longest light rail line in US.
Metro Posts New Schedules for Regional Connector Service
Metro's new downtown subway connector opens in one week: Friday, June 16