Regional Connector
Metro Updates: Ridership Keeps Growing, Construction, and More
Metro ridership has grown for 26 consecutive months, plus brief updates on Metro projects: 5 Freeway widening, 57/60 Freeway widening, 105 Freeway widening, G Line, Union Station, Southeast Gateway line, East SFV, and more
Eyes on Upcoming Bike Facilities in Little Tokyo, El Monte, and Vincent
No more mess at the car-damaged El Monte Metro Bike Hub. New asphalt on the county's Vincent Community Bikeway. Metro planted new trees at the nearly complete Alameda Esplanade
Metro Responds to Missing Downtown Connector Bikeways: Agency Followed Undefined Plans, Prioritized Getting Drivers to Freeway
Metro didn't follow its own designs or city-approved CEQA-approved street standards - instead implementing not clearly defined changes that added car capacity - and omitted bike and walk facilities
Guest Opinion: Metro Should Treat Walk and Bike Projects with the Respect They Deserve
Prioritizing true first mile/last mile infrastructure isn’t somehow optional; it’s how your customers get to and from the transit stations.
Eyes on the Street: Metro Installed New Bollard Protection on First Street Bike Lane
A couple of blocks of new plastic bollards might not look like much, but it just might mean that Metro and LADOT are planning to make good on missing bike/walk connections to Metro's new subway stations
Eyes on the Construction: Alameda Esplanade Partially Open
This month, Metro anticipates finishing construction on the 500-foot long tree-lined bike/walk facility connecting to the new Little Tokyo subway station
Advocates Urge Metro To Fix Botched Regional Connector Bike/Walk Facilities
Advocacy groups urge Metro CEO Stephanie Wiggins and Metro Board Chair Mayor Karen Bass to "to move expediently to complete these required and promised pedestrian and bicycle improvements in the next three months"
Missing Metro Regional Connector First/Last Mile Facilities Worse Than Reported Earlier
Metro and LADOT quietly omitted and downgraded extensive bike and walk improvements approved and funded for Little Tokyo - in addition to omissions at Grand and Broadway stations
Modest Bike Improvements Along Downtown Connector Stations, Though Mostly Missed Opportunities
Metro and City ignored approved bikeway plans - again. Alameda Esplanade and 5th Street bus queue jumper still on the way.
Metro Opens Downtown Regional Connector Subway
The 1.9-mile $1.8 billion light rail includes three new stations, but its big benefit is tying together several formerly disconnected rail lines. The Metro A Line is now 49.5 miles long, the longest light rail line in US.