Councilmember José Huizar’s Bringing Back Broadway initiative and LADOT are excited to welcome you to a celebration of the completion of phase one of the Broadway Streetscape Master Plan – a “dress rehearsal” that sets the stage for future improvements.
This phase of the plan reconfigures the roadway from four lanes to three, and reclaims space formerly used by vehicles to increase pedestrian space, provide shorter safer crosswalks, allow for 24-hour parking and loading where none previously existed, while offering public outdoor seating along Broadway with tables, chairs and umbrellas “adopted” by Broadway businesses.
The event is free and open to the public. The celebration will take place in the plaza space in front of the bustling Grand Central Market, one of the oldest open-air markets in the country and the northern gateway to the Bringing Back Broadway historic corridor!
Thursday, August 28, 2014
11:30 AM
In front of Grand Central Market
317 South Broadway
For more information, contact:
Council District 14 (213) 473-7014