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Agenda 21 Alert: Glenn Beck’s Words to Watch


Sure, we know the movement for "sustainable" transportation and development is a front for Agenda 21, a.k.a. The UN Plot to End Private Property in the United States. But what to do?

As with any battle, the first step is identifying the enemy. Fortunately (and none too soon), Glenn Beck has published a "comprehensive list of key words and phrases that are often used at the local level when discussing Agenda 21 related initiatives."

You no doubt know the biggies like "Climate Change," "Global Warming," and "Prosperity."  Here are less obvious dog-whistle terms to listen for at your next "town council" or "planning commission" meeting:

Greenways, High Speed Rail, Land Use Policies, Livable communities, Livable Communities, Local, Metropolitan Planning Organizations (this one is also kind of a biggie, actually), Mixed Use Development, Multi-Use Dwellings, Open Space, Parking Policy, Regional, Resilient Cities, Responsible development, Safe Routes to Schools (!!), Smart growth, Sustainable development, Traffic calming, Transit Oriented Development (TOD), Transportation Justice, Vehicle Mileage Traveled Tax, Vibrant Neighborhoods, Vision, Walkable Communities

Other watchwords include "Choice," "Communities," "Consensus," "Fair," and "Common good."

Above all, remember this: If you are in a "public meeting" or "public forum" and you hear the word "Outcomes," resist! Scream and shout and don't let up until the UN agents abandon their plot!

Click through for brother Glenn's complete list, and be sure to buy his new book -- essential reading to thwart responsible, vibrant tyranny!

Hat tip to brother Jason Henderson. / End transmission

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