This is your last day to register to vote, folks. Get on it if you haven't!
- San Francisco says yes to the Transbay Tower, the city's tallest skyscraper and anchor of its Transit Center District (SF Chronicle)
- But, what happens when "a whole lot of planning" around transit doesn't bring the expected development? asks the Washington Post.
- Why are gas prices so high? The L.A. Times examines the structure of the gas market.
- High gas prices seem to be pushing people to choose public transit around Los Angeles (Progressive Railroading)
- Metrolink is trying to capitalize on people's enthusiasm for transit by rolling out their $10 Weekend Pass (The Source)
- A model of L.A. built for street cars (KCET)
- Thousand Oaks votes to advance $17.7 mil from its reserves so work on 101/23 interchange can begin (Thousand Oaks Acorn)
- A few weeks ago, to get women on a bike, all you needed was a hot guy behind the counter. Taking a more measured approach, Atlantic Cities now suggests the solution lies in better infrastructure. Women are so darn mysterious.
- What are the keys to a stronger community? Shockingly, walkability and parks/gardens made the cut (Atlantic Cities)
More headlines are here, at Streetsblog Capitol Hill