Saturday night Streetsblog partied down in Brentwood at the house of 30/10 mega-booster and Huffington Post columnist Joel Epstein. Neither bad weather nor a packed Holiday schedule stopped twenty five Streetsbloggers from joining myself and the Epsteins in his gorgeous house. We munched on Indian Food, chatted about transportation policy and raised funds to help pay Streetsblog's end of year bills.
And what a crowd we had! Expo backers, affordable housing developers, UCLA professors, a sitting judge, most members of my immediate family (minus Sammy), Transit Coalition members, and the transportation deputy for Council Member Bill Rosendahl. And just when it looked like the crowd was thinning out, who appeared at the doorway but a representative from Bikeside and a former staffer with Mayor Villaraigosa's office.
And Streetsblog's coffers got a much needed boost going in to the end of the year, as we raised nearly $1,500. I know Los Angeles Streetsblog readers have been more than generous this past year, we would have ceased to exist and I'd be posting surveys on The Source, but Joel and I have one last challenge for you. There's eleven days left in 2010. Let's see if we can match that $1,500 raised on Saturday through your donations.
You can donate through links above and on the right. All donations are tax deductible...