Read the full agenda here:
10-1851 CD 11 Department of Transportation (DOT) report relative to the establishment of Overnight Parking District No. 547 for the west side of Penmar Avenue between Lake Street and Rose Avenue. Fiscal Impact Statement Submitted: Yes Community Impact Statement: None submitted (2)
09-2777 Board of Transportation Commissioners report relative to the 2010-11 Private Ambulance Service Rate Adjustment. Fiscal Impact Statement Submitted: No Community Impact Statement: None submitted (3) 10-0600-S49 City Administrative Officer (CAO) report relative to the adopted expenditure guidelines and the 2010-11 Adopted Budget for the City's Measure R Local Return Fund. Fiscal Impact Statement Submitted: Yes Community Impact Statement: None submitted
Transportation Committee
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
10-1673 Motion (Rosendahl – Koretz) directing DOT to report relative to implementing the California Vehicle Code exemption to allow residents to legally park in front of their driveways. Fiscal Impact Statement Submitted: No Community Impact Statement: None submitted (5)
07-3435 Motion (Parks – Perry) directing the CAO, with assistance from the Personnel and Environmental Affairs Departments, to report relative to providing incentives for City employees to take public transportation or purchase or lease green vehicles for their commutes to work. Fiscal Impact Statement Submitted: Yes Community Impact Statement: None submitted (6)
08-2939-S1 CONTINUED FROM 11-10-2010 Motion (LaBonge – Hahn) requesting that the City Attorney prepare an ordinance banning vehicles with for sale signs parking on City streets. Fiscal Impact Statement Submitted: No Community Impact Statement: None submitted (7)
10-1756 CD 2 Motion (Krekorian – Rosendahl – Alarcon) directing DOT to work with the Los Angeles Unified School District to accelerate the installation of a traffic signal to improve the safety of the intersection of Laurel Canyon Boulevard and Archwood. Fiscal Impact Statement Submitted: No Community Impact Statement: None submitted
Transportation Committee
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
10-1840 Motion (LaBonge – Rosendahl) recommending that Council waive any applicable holiday moratorium on street I traffic signal construction I repairs for any work to be performed in connection with the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 - Citywide Traffic Signal Improvements - New Signals and Left Turn Phasing and DOT Automated Surveillance and Control Program Projects. (The Public Works Committee waived consideration of this matter.) Fiscal Impact Statement Submitted: No Community Impact Statement: None submitted (9)
09-0600-S173 DOT report relative to expansion of the Card and Coin Parking Meter lease with IPS Group, Inc. Fiscal Impact Statement Submitted: Yes Community Impact Statement: None submitted COMMENTS FROM PUBLIC ON ITEMS OF PUBLIC INTEREST WITHIN COMMITTEE'S SUBJECT MATTER JURISDICTION Materials related to an item on this Agenda submitted to the Committee after distribution of the agenda packet are available for public inspection in the City Clerk’s Office at 200 North Spring Street, Room 395, City Hall, Los Angeles, CA 90012 during normal business hours. tr120810_rev