The Mayor has his own Flickr set from Monday's Summit.
- Mayor Pushes CicLAvia, "Watch the Road" and Helmets (HuffPo)
- Mayor Holds Bike Summit (Daily News)
- UK Guardian's Bike Blog Suggests Mayor's Crash an Act of God.
- Mayor Meets with Cyclists, World Doesn't End (Biking in LA)
- Bike Summit Receives "Wait and See" from Cyclists (The Source)
- Bike Summit Leaves Many Cyclists Skeptical (Neon Tommy)
- Villaraigosa Jeered Over Helmet Comments (KPCC)
- And Don't Forget the Bike Valet! (Bruin Planner)
- Obama Takes a Jab at Mayor at Fundraiser (NBC4)
- Gary Rides Bikes Predicts the Summit in a 2009 April Fool's Joke
P.S. - Everyone knows that Joe wrote yesterday's story, right? Good.