- Metro Board Approves 30/10 (The Source, LAT, LAist)
- It's a "Hearing on Fare Increases," Not a Fare Increase Hearing (The Source, Daily News)
- 405 Widening to Take Awhile (Westside Today)
- Getting to Dodger Stadium: The Gondola and Escalators That Never Were (Primary Sources)
- Permanent Red Light Camera Ban on November Ballot in Anaheim (LAT)
- Bus Hits Bike in Crosswalk, Cops Claim You Can't Ride Bike There...Again...(Whittier Daily News)
- LAUSD Reverses Plan to Pave Two Acres of Westside School Grounds for Bus Parking (City Watch)
- 11-1 Jury Split Means New Trial for LAPD Officer Accused of Hit and Run While Drunk (CC Times)
- Volcanic Interruption Prompts Momentary Rethinking of Dependence on Airliners (Room for Debate)
- Fasten Your Seatbelt, Glenn Beck on Passenger Rail (Infrasructurist)
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