The Big Blue Bus is proudly sporting ads boasting of a new airport service. The new route provides quite an increase in service coverage for the agency because they aren't talking about service to the local airport in Santa Monica or to LAX; but service to the airport in Houston. Remarkably this service will cost riders only $15. What a bargain! I wonder how many stops there will be along the route. If they'll stop in Vegas, I bet a lot of Angelenos will be interested.
Ok, so obviously there's been some sort of mix-up at the advertisement agency. It's not a surprise, since many transit agencies use contractors to handle their advertising so I imagine this kind of slip-up happens from time to time. Still, I've gotten a couple of emails about this sign slip, and as Dana Gabbard commented,
And somehow they have been installed etc. and no one noticed they werefor the wrong area...Beyond surreal...