Car Culture Paradise: 6464 Sunset Blvd.
Across the country, our friends in NY have been reporting on efforts to pass legislation requiring that commercial landlords allow tenants to bring bicycles into the building. Apparently, we could use such a law here in Los Angeles as well.
Cyclists are reporting increased efforts to keep bicycles out of the places where people work. One example is the efforts of Paramount Contractors and Development, Inc. building on 6464 Sunset Blvd. has recently told bike commuters who work in the building that they can no longer bring their bikes into the building or park them in the parking garage. Instead, they are told to park their bikes at the one U-shaped bike rack on the street. One U-rack. For roughly 30 daily bike commuters.
The building management, which provides a large parking garage for those who drive to work, argues that it's not their problem that there isn't enough bike parking. They have repeatedly had security stop cyclists from parking in the car garage and now that cyclists are bringing bikes into the building are threatening to revoke tennant leases.
Unfortunately for Paramount Contractors and Development, they aren't just wrong morally, they may also be in violation of the city's zoning requirement. Los Angeles' zoning laws require that new commercial property of more than 10,000 sq. feet provide adequate bike parking. Paramount is in the process of revamping and upgrading the buildings which brings it within the perview of Los Angeles' bike parking requirements.
Picture: Donna Grayson/Flickr