A Times' editorial lifted the curtain on some of the back room dealings endangering Metro's sales tax proposal, hereafter referred to as Measure R, in Sacramento. Apparently two Los Angeles County State Senators that sit on the appropriations committee, the same committee that passed on the proposal on Monday and is scheduled to vote on it again tomorrow, won't say whether or not they will allow the proposal to move forward.
That still won't guarantee the measure will appear, because it also has
to be approved by the Legislature. And a pair of Democratic state
senators who are on the all-important Appropriations Committee -- Gil
Cedillo of Los Angeles and Jenny Oropeza of Long Beach -- haven't
indicated whether they'll let the bill move to the Senate floor.
Tired of all the back room dealing that continues to play with our transportation future? Long Beach's Senator Oropeza can be reached at her office in Sacramento at (916) 651-4028. Senator Cedillo of Los Angeles can be reached at his Sacramento office at (916) 651-4022.
Photos: Sen. Oropeza, dgarzila/Flickr