Redistricting, Supervisor Lindsey Horvath, United to House L.A., Ride 4 Love, ESFV rail construction, and more:
- Varies - L.A. County Public Health's 2 p.m. COVID-19 briefings are one or two days each week. Watch at the County Channel, Channel 94 on most cable systems, or via the County of Los Angeles Facebook page, where broadcast briefings are archived.
- Monday 2/6 - Happening now! The Ad Hoc Committee on City Governance Reform is tackling redistricting today. The leaked recording from the Fed in which councilmembers were heard discussing ways to shore up their own power bases while undercutting the voice and power of the Black community prompted calls for a variety of reforms, including an increase in the number of councilmembers and the creation of an independent redistricting body. More on where redistricting is at present from the L.A. Times is here. Find the agenda and recording of the meeting here.
- Tuesday 2/7 - The UCLA Institute of Transportation Studies will host a Biking While Black film screening at panel discussion. The event starts at 6:30 p.m. at the James Bridges Theater, at 235 Charles E Young Drive East on the UCLA campus. Details at Biking While Black events page or Eventbrite.
- Wednesday 2/8 - The L.A. City Council Transportation Committee will meet starting at 2 p.m. The meeting includes votes on various council motions regarding: Destination Crenshaw, Anaheim Street improvements, Council District 13 multimodal infrastructure, and more. Details at meeting agenda.
- Wednesday 2/8 - Streets for All will host a virtual Happy Hour with L.A. County Supervisor Lindsey Horvath from 5-6 p.m. Details at SFA event page.
- Thursday 2/9 - Metro is hosting its first East San Fernando Valley Light Rail Transit Project Construction Open House from 6-7:30 p.m. at the Mid Valley Family YMCA at 6901 Lennox Avenue in Van Nuys. Details at Metro meeting page.
- Friday 2/10 - The L.A. Housing Services Authority (LAHSA) and the Southern California Association of Nonprofit Housing (SCANPH) will host the second of two in-person public input sessions on the implementation of programs funded via Measure ULA (United to House L.A.). This session will focus on Homelessness Prevention and Tenant Protections. It will take place from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Friendship Auditorium, 3201 Riverside Drive in Los Feliz. For more details and to RSVP go to Eventbrite registration page.
- Saturday 2/11 - Metro will host a 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. family-friendly Walk, Ride, and Roll Rodeo at the G Line Sepulveda Station at 15430 W. Erwin Street in Van Nuys, Learn about biking and walking improvements proposed for the streets near the future elevated Metro G Line (Orange) Sepulveda Station, and provide your input. Details at Metro's The Source. Rain postpones to Saturday 2/18.
- Saturday 2/11 - The East Side Riders Bike Club will host their annual Ride 4 Love starting at 10 a.m. at 12020 S. Central Avenue in South Los Angeles. Details at ESRBC Facebook page.

Did we miss anything? Is there something we should list on future calendars? Email joe [at]