Council District 15 candidates forum, Metro Public Safety committee, Metro Vermont corridor transit, Metro 10 Freeway Express Lanes, and more:
- Varies - L.A. County Public Health's 2 p.m. COVID-19 briefings are one or two days each week. Watch at the County Channel, Channel 94 on most cable systems, or via the County of Los Angeles Facebook page, where broadcast briefings are archived.
- Ongoing - Get involved in Streetsblog-endorsed campaigns as they make final signature gathering pushes. United to House L.A. just submitted more than enough signatures to qualify for the ballot, so will soon need volunteers to campaign for passage - sign up via the campaign website. Through the end of May, Healthy Streets L.A. is gathering signatures in various locales!

- Tuesday 5/3 - Streets for All will host an L.A. City Council District 15 mobility debate. The 15th Council District, currently represented by Joe Buscaino, includes Watts, Wilmington, San Pedro, and more. The debate takes place starting at 5:30 p.m. via Zoom. Details at Streets For All event page.
- Wednesday 5/4 - Metro's Public Safety Advisory Committee (PSAC) will meet virtually from 5-7 p.m. The PSAC is a big part of Metro efforts to reimagine public safety and policing onboard Metro buses and trains. PSAC meeting details at Metro event page and meeting agenda.
- Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday 5/4, 5/5 and 5/7 - Metro will host three scoping meetings on its 10 Freeway Express Lanes project - which proposes adding toll lanes to the 10 Freeway from El Monte to the San Bernardino County line. Three virtual scoping meetings will take place:- Wednesday 5/4 from 12 noon to 2 p.m.- Thursday 5/5 from 6-8 p.m.- Saturday 5/7 from 10 a.m. to 12 noonMeeting access details and more 10 Express Lanes information at Metro's The Source.
- Wednesday 5/4 and Saturday 5/7 - Metro is hosting a series of listening sessions on its planned Vermont Transit Corridor project. The remaining in-person meeting Saturday 5/7 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Ward African Methodist Episcopal Church at 1177 W 25th Street in South Los Angeles. There will also be one virtual listening session on Wednesday 5/4 starting at 5:30 p.m. Meeting details at Metro's The Source.
Did we miss anything? Is there something we should list on future calendars? Email joe [at]