In early 2016, Los Angeles City Councilmember Jose Huizar announced that downtown L.A.'s Spring and Main Street buffered bike lanes couplet will be getting an upgrade to protected bike lanes. The complete streets improvements are part of they city's DTLA Forward initiative, so the project is now called "Main & Spring Forward."
Today, Huizar announced the next step for the project: a new visualization tool, called Pocket Owl. Huizar and the city Transportation Department (LADOT) will be hosting a kick-off event for the Main & Spring Forward Pocket Owl this Sunday March 5 at noon at the corner of Spring and 6th Street.
If readers cannot attend the kick off (perhaps due to participating in the nation's hugest and likely most wonderfulest open streets event ever ever ever - yes: 626 Golden Streets), then check out the renderings online. There will be community meetings for Main & Spring Forward taking place on March 23 and 26, with the project's initial phase expected to be complete this fall.