- AIDS Healthcare Foundation Sues Against Hollywood Development (LAT)
- Playa Del Rey Planning A Safer Culver Boulevard (Argonaut)
- LAPD Officers Open Fire On Filipinotown Cyclist (Eastsider)
- Mixed-Income Mixed-Use TOD Planned For Koreatown (Urbanize)
- Photographer Shadows Metro Bus Driver (The Source)
- Uber To Pay $100M To Settle Lawsuit On Its Contracting Model (LAT, KPCC)
- Liberal Coastal Cities Don't Have Liberal Affordable Housing Policies (Better Institutions)
- Vehicle Miles Traveled Is the Right Metric For California (The Planning Report)
- Philly Bike-Share (Same L.A. Metro BTS Vendor) Expands After First Year Success (Phillly.com)...Where And Why To Put Bike Share Stations (Next City)
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