- Cyclists (Rarely) Hit-and-Run Too, Rider Flees Pasadena Bike-Ped Crash (Patch)
- LADOT People St Taking Applications For Plazas, Parklets, Corrals (KPCC)
- L.A. "Where Else Would the Simple Act Of Walking Be So Loaded" (L.A. Review of Books)
- L.A.'s Olympic Village Could Learn From Sydney's Olympic Urban Renewal (LAT)
- Los Feliz Residents Protest Evictions (Capital & Main)
- Fix the City's Take On the Mobility Plan 2035 Rescind-Reapprove Motion
- Awww... A Floral Heart Makes the 101 Freeway "Livable" (Daily News)
- Santa Monica To Celebrate Breeze Bike-Share Opening Next Week! (SM Spoke)
- CAHSR Shares Documents Showing Higher Costs (LAT)
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