Streetsie winner Nathan Lucero encountered some irritating signage when bicycling north on the Main Street bike lanes near El Pueblo downtown. From his @onmybikeinla Instagram post: (lightly edited)
After the bike lane on Main was closed twice, and blocked several times by multiple cars, these awful signs were at Arcadia. The left sign should read "[bike] may use full lane" and the other should be thrown away. The guard said the city provided the signs. I'm asking @lamayorsoffice @ladotbikeprog @ladotofficial to replace all of the ambiguous "share the road" signs with "[bike] may use full lane" and never use a sign with a bike crossed off when it's perfectly legal for bikes to use the full lanes.
What do you think SBLA readers? Personally,I remember being a tiny bit encouraged that these film-shoot lane closures would actually acknowledge that bikes exist. This was not the case ten years ago in Los Angeles, though there were far fewer bike lanes then. I agree with Lucero, though, that the circle-slash-bike sign is inappropriate and signage indicating cyclists are allowed full use of the lane would be a big improvement. What signs do you think the city should be providing for these situations?