If a CicLAvia opens the city, and almost no media coverage ensues, does anybody hear?
My answer is a resounding yes.
Even if CicLAvia is now becoming almost taken for granted by the mainstream, it still changes lives, activates places, and brings Angelenos together.
L.A.'s 10th CicLAvia came and went yesterday. Tens of thousands of people showed up. Every shady spot on the route was mobbed. As were restaurants, parks, and neverias. The mainstream media ran some of advance warning coverage, still mostly along the lines of this L.A. Times warning: "CicLaVia [sic] [...] means closed streets from Echo Park to East Los Angeles." The only mainstream coverage I could find was this worthwhile 7-image CicLAvia 2014 [sic] photo essay in the L.A. Times.
Luckily those standard news sources are not all there is these days. There's plenty of #CicLAvia social media on Tumblr, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube.
And even if CicLAvia somehow remained secret to the outside world, it still lives on in the smiling recollections of those of us lucky enough to experience one of the best days Los Angeles has to offer.
How was your CicLAvia Day yesterday? Let us know in the comments below.